spacious place
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father sets me free
Job 36:16
“He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food"
I am reminded of a friend in Swindon who listened to me singing the song ‘I delight in you’ : she burst to her feet to dance before the Lord , having not done that in years because of judgments and criticisms placed on her about her dancing ( which to all who see her is amazingly gifted )- that day she was brought to a spacious place and out of restrictions spoken over her , and out of the imprisonment of rejection
From the place of confinement
A cell of restriction
The chains of my prison
And the closed in walls
From the finger pointers
and rule enforcers
From squeezed in enclosures
And the closers of doors
From thought controllers
and legalistic minders
From a ‘do this’ ‘not that’
And a struggle to break free
From a life of survival
And walking in mud
From a place of distress
Where I find it hard to breathe
You ..have ..brought
to a.. spacious ..p l a c e
A place to explore
A place to be free
A wide open space in You.. in me
A place to run
With eyes that can see
A glorious land
of opportunity
And like a child who is free
I will run like the wind
Like a child I will dance
Like a child I will sing
Like a child I’ll believe
I will throw of my shackles
Get rid of my clothes
Go flying , go naked , go free
I will fly on the wings of life
With You
In me
Drawing me
Wooing me
Inviting me
Into You
In me
john nuttall March 2018