beautiful polish dancer
I saw a beautiful dancer
Each moment a gift
Each movement a poem
Expression and projection of what lived inside
Reaching outwards stretching upwards
Then drawing back within
Balletic poise and valence
Counterpoise and balance
Enclosed then released
Confined then breaking free
Expressing glorious liberty
Restricted, restrained, held in…. then
Exploding in a flurry of exuberant joy
From rippling stream to mighty torrent
Lightness of being yet
Strength and power in every movement
Twirling , extending, exploring
Painting poemic masterpieces in space
And oh such grace
She touched my heart
Caused an upwelling of tears
She burst upon the scene of my life
A woman of beauty and grace …..
And then: her friends encircled her
With rhythmic claps, and shouts and calls
She lifting up her hands heavenward
Twirled and twirled a hundred times or more
Eyes raised
A heart full of praise
A joyful expression
And oh the grace
And in that moment
And many times beyond
Instead of her
I see my friend Jesus
Leading the dance
With joyful face
Tehilla praise
And I am drawn, invited
Beckoned in
To join the dance
To enter the grace